I believe that everyone, who installed Sitecore Azure PaaS had their silent question moment: “Where are all my logs, and how I suppose to monitor this?”. While the first question was answered multiple times (e.g. on StackOverflow), the second part is a bit more complex.
You might think about what complexity I’m talking about? Yeah, putting Application insight Key is a no-brainer but it is far from enough to get observability of your system....
if you generating SCWDP packages for Sitecore you might get stuck at some point with a page saying *“Stay Tuned. We are updating…” *after deployment. This is what it means… Why The page is generated by a Sitecore utility called bootloader (Sitecore.Cloud.Integration.Bootload), which is a part of Azure Toolkit. This utility is responsible for the installation of other modules and the execution of post-build steps like configuration transforms.
The content of a page is coming from the App_Offline file, which is place at the root of your web app and prevents requests from hitting any login in it....
It is not always possible to find enough time to play with your free-time projects and sometimes it might take more than a week after you created an environment and you started using it. And during this week you could forget something, e.g. password for your SSH connection :)
This is exactly what happened to me this weekend when I returned to my Sitecore development VMs with xDB and SOLR in Azure....