Our port of Sitecore Reference Storefront finally passed all internal checks and got open sourced on EPAM’s GitHub account right before Sitecore SYM 2016.

Habitat version of a Sitecore Reference Storefront on GitHub

Fell free to dig in and answer your questions in comments, social networks, or in person during the Symposium (you will be able to find near an EPAM booth during breaks)


I would like to thanks my team in Kharkiv, Ukraine that helps me to make this project happen.


There few posts that are still planned related to this topic as a recap of the project. I would try to show the pros and cons of the architecture and approach we took in this project.

Posts in series

  1. Inception: Sitecore Storefront to Habitat Migrating
  2. Mapping Sitecore StoreFront to Habitat
  3. Sitecore Catalog Feature for Habitat

Follow me on Twitter @true_shoorik. Would be glad to discuss the ideas above in the comments.